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ืžืจื›ื– ื”ืงื•ื ื™ื
ื”ื•ืจื™ื“ื• ืืช ื”ืืคืœื™ืงืฆื™ื”
ื”ื•ืจื™ื“ื• ืืช ื”ืืคืœื™ืงืฆื™ื” ืฉืœ
ืžืฆืื• ืžื•ืฆืจื™ื, ืชืงืฉืจื• ืขื ืกืคืงื™ื, ื ื”ืœื• ืืช ื”ื”ื–ืžื ื•ืช ืฉืœื›ื ื•ืฉืœืžื• ืขืœื™ื”ืŸ ืขื ืืคืœื™ืงืฆื™ื™ืช, ื‘ื›ืœ ืจื’ืข ื•ื‘ื›ืœ ืžืงื•ื.
ืœืงื‘ืœืช ืžื™ื“ืข ื ื•ืกืฃ

ืžืจื›ื– ืขื™ื‘ื•ื“ ืœืืœื•ืžื™ื ื™ื•ื cnc

(18360 ืžื•ืฆืจื™ื ื–ืžื™ื ื™ื)

JTDY-1000 3-Axis High Precision VMC <strong>CNC</strong> Milling Machine <strong>Center</strong> <strong>for</strong> High Quality <strong>Aluminum</strong> Profile <strong>Processing</strong>
JTDY-1000 3-Axis High Precision VMC <strong>CNC</strong> Milling Machine <strong>Center</strong> <strong>for</strong> High Quality <strong>Aluminum</strong> Profile <strong>Processing</strong>
JTDY-1000 3-Axis High Precision VMC <strong>CNC</strong> Milling Machine <strong>Center</strong> <strong>for</strong> High Quality <strong>Aluminum</strong> Profile <strong>Processing</strong>
JTDY-1000 3-Axis High Precision VMC <strong>CNC</strong> Milling Machine <strong>Center</strong> <strong>for</strong> High Quality <strong>Aluminum</strong> Profile <strong>Processing</strong>
JTDY-1000 3-Axis High Precision VMC <strong>CNC</strong> Milling Machine <strong>Center</strong> <strong>for</strong> High Quality <strong>Aluminum</strong> Profile <strong>Processing</strong>
JTDY-1000 3-Axis High Precision VMC <strong>CNC</strong> Milling Machine <strong>Center</strong> <strong>for</strong> High Quality <strong>Aluminum</strong> Profile <strong>Processing</strong>

JTDY-1000 3-Axis High Precision VMC CNC Milling Machine Center for High Quality Aluminum Profile Processing

โ€104,479.81 โ€ - โ€111,220.66 โ€โ‚ช
ืžื™ื ื™ืžื•ื ื”ื–ืžื ื”: 1 ืขืจื›ื”

ืงื˜ื’ื•ืจื™ื•ืช ืžื•ื‘ื™ืœื•ืช

ืžื™ื“ืข ืขืœ ืžืจื›ื– ืขื™ื‘ื•ื“ ืœืืœื•ืžื™ื ื™ื•ื cnc:

ืื ืืชื” ืžื—ืคืฉ ืžื”ื™ืจื•ืช ื’ื‘ื•ื”ื” ืžืจื›ื– ืขื™ื‘ื•ื“ ืœืืœื•ืžื™ื ื™ื•ื cnc, ืืชื” ื ืžืฆื ื‘ืžืงื•ื ื”ื ื›ื•ืŸ. ืœ- ืžื’ื•ื•ืŸ ืจื—ื‘ ืฉืœ ืžื›ื•ื ื•ืช ื‘ื’ื“ืœื™ื ื•ืกื’ื ื•ื ื•ืช ืฉื•ื ื™ื. ื™ืฉ ืœื”ื ืืœืคื™ ืื™ื›ื•ืช ืžืขื•ืœื” ืžืจื›ื– ืขื™ื‘ื•ื“ ืœืืœื•ืžื™ื ื™ื•ื cnc ืœื›ืœ ืงื˜ื’ื•ืจื™ื•ืช ื”ืžื•ืฆืจื™ื. ื‘ืคืœื˜ืคื•ืจืžื” ืžื•ืฆืื™ื ืžื›ื•ื ื•ืช ื“ื™ื•ืงื•ืช, ื ื•ืงืฉื•ืช ื•ืจื‘-ืชื›ืœื™ื•ืช ื”ืžื’ื™ืขื•ืช ื‘ืงื˜ื’ื•ืจื™ื•ืช ืžื•ืฆืจื™ื ืฉื•ื ื•ืช. ื”ืจื‘ื’ื•ื ื™ื•ืช ืฉืœ ืคืจื™ื˜ื™ื ืืœื” ืขื•ื–ืจืช ืœืชืช ืžืขื ื” ืœืฆืจื›ื™ ืฆืจื›ื ื™ื ืฉื•ื ื™ื ืžื›ื™ื•ื•ืŸ ืฉื”ื ืฉื•ื ื™ื ื‘ื’ื•ื“ืœ ื•ื‘ืชืงืฆื™ื‘. ืžืฆื™ืขื” ืžื’ื•ื•ืŸ ืจื—ื‘ ืฉืœ ืืคืฉืจื•ื™ื•ืช, ืื™ื›ื•ืช ื•ืžื—ื™ืจ ืขื‘ื•ืจ ื”ืžื•ืฆืจ. ื”ืืชืจ ื›ื•ืœืœ ืžื•ืฆืจื™ื ื—ื“ืฉื™ื ืฉืœ ืžื•ืชื’ื™ื ื’ืœื•ื‘ืœื™ื™ื. ืกื•ื’ ื”ืžื•ืฆืจ ื›ื•ืœืœ ื™ื›ื•ืœืช ื™ื•ืฆืืช ื“ื•ืคืŸ ื‘ื˜ื™ืคื•ืœ ื‘ืžืฉื™ืžื•ืช ืฉื•ื ื•ืช. ื”ื ืžื‘ื˜ื™ื—ื™ื ืชื”ืœื™ื›ื™ื ื‘ืžื”ื™ืจื•ืช ื’ื‘ื•ื”ื”. ื”ื ืฉื•ืืคื™ื ืœื”ืคื•ืš ืœืžืงื•ืจ ื”ืขื™ืงืจื™ ืฉืœืš ื‘- ืžืจื›ื– ืขื™ื‘ื•ื“ ืœืืœื•ืžื™ื ื™ื•ื cnc ืขื ื”ื˜ื›ื ื•ืœื•ื’ื™ื” ื”ืขื“ื›ื ื™ืช ื‘ื™ื•ืชืจ ืฉืœ ื›ืžื” ืžื”ืชื•ื•ื™ื•ืช ื”ื˜ื•ื‘ื•ืช ื‘ืขื•ืœื.

ื”- ืžืจื›ื– ืขื™ื‘ื•ื“ ืœืืœื•ืžื™ื ื™ื•ื cnc ืžืฉืžืฉ ื‘ืชืขืฉื™ื•ืช ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ, ื•ืžืืคืฉืจ ืœื”ื ืœื ืฆืœ ืžืขืจื›ื•ืช ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ื–ื•ืœื•ืช. ื–ื” ื–ืžื™ืŸ ื‘ื’ื“ืœื™ื ืฉื•ื ื™ื ื›ื“ื™ ืœืขื ื•ืช ืขืœ ืฆืจื›ื™ ื”ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ื”ืฉื•ื ื™ื. ื”ืžื•ืฆืจ ืžืฉืชืžืฉ ื‘ืขื™ื‘ื•ื“ ื•ื‘ื™ืฆื•ืข ืงืจื‘ื™ื“ ืžื•ื“ืจื ื™ื™ื ื”ืžืกื™ื™ืขื™ื ื‘ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ื—ืœืงื™ื ืื—ืจื™ื ืขืœ ื™ื“ื™ ื”ืกืจืช ื—ื•ืžืจื™ื ืขื•ื“ืคื™ื. ื”ื•ื ื”ืžืงื•ื ืœืจื›ื•ืฉ ืืช ื”ืžื•ืฆืจ ื‘ืžื—ื™ืจื™ื ื”ื˜ื•ื‘ื™ื ื‘ื™ื•ืชืจ ื•ืœืงื‘ืœ ืžื›ื•ื ื•ืช ืื™ื›ื•ืชื™ื•ืช.

ืขื ื”ืžื—ื™ืจื™ื ื”ื ืžื•ื›ื™ื ื‘ื™ื•ืชืจ ื‘ืื™ื ื˜ืจื ื˜, ืืคืฉืจื•ื™ื•ืช ืื™ืกื•ืฃ ืžืงื•ืžื™ื•ืช ื•ืขืœื•ื™ื•ืช ืžืฉืœื•ื— ื–ื•ืœื•ืช, ื–ื›ื™ืชื ' ืœื ืžื•ืฆื ืขืกืงื” ื˜ื•ื‘ื” ื™ื•ืชืจ. ืžื›ื™ื•ื•ืŸ ืฉื”ืžื•ืฆืจ ื”ืžื”ื™ืจ ื”ื•ืคืš ืœืื—ื“ ื”ืžื‘ื•ืงืฉื™ื ื‘ื™ื•ืชืจ, ื™ื™ืชื›ืŸ ืฉืชืฆื˜ืจืš ืœืคืขื•ืœ ืงื•ื“ื ืœืคื ื™ ืฉื™ื™ื’ืžืจ ืœื• ื”ืžืœืื™. ื›ื•ืœืœ ืžื’ื•ื•ืŸ ืฉืœ ืžืจื›ื– ืขื™ื‘ื•ื“ ืœืืœื•ืžื™ื ื™ื•ื cnc ื”ืžืชืื™ื ืœืฆืจื›ื™ื ืฉืœืš. ื‘ืงืจ ื‘ืืชืจ ืขื›ืฉื™ื• ื•ืชื”ื ื” ืžื—ื•ื•ื™ื™ืช ื”ืงื ื™ื•ืช ื”ื˜ื•ื‘ื” ื‘ื™ื•ืชืจ.