Resin, Metal, Wood, Bamboo, Silicone, Rubber, Plastic, Vinyl, EVA, Foam, ceramic, Clay, זכוכית, Cardboard, PU, fiberglass, Paper, Nylon, Polyester, Plush, Cloth, Cotton, Latex, metal, Wooden, Silicone, TPE, Wool, Cardboard, Bamboo Fiber, plush, Fabric, Bamboo/rattan/plant stalks, Particle Board
Control Channels
2 CHANNELS, 5 Channels, 3 Channels, 3.5 Channels, 4 ערוצים, 6 Channels, 7 Channels, 8 channels, 9 Channels, 10 Channels, 12 Channels & Up
Package Includes
Original Box, Batteries, Operating Instructions, charger, Remote Controller, Camera, USB Cable, אום
Age Range
2 to 4 Years, 5 to 7 years, 8 to 13 Years, 14 Years & up